Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nightmare Time

My Sad Dream/Nightmare
by Maile Ward

Hello fellow bloggers and readers. Today’s blog is about a dream I had on vacation once. I would say that this is more of a nightmare than a good dream. Why? Because when I woke up that morning, I was crying. So I hope you enjoy this blog.

It was a warm night in Crymsville, the year was 1980. It was Sunday at 10:30pm. The moon was full with usual line through it. A woman was pacing in her room, thinking about Operation Moon Breakdown. That was when the moon would break in half. Surprisingly, the moon was still holding together pretty well.
 She was very worried about it. Many people asked why she seemed so nervous. It was true. A lot of people did not know about the upcoming disaster. But the she was in luck because she knew how, when, and what was happening. She was also pregnant with 5 girls and 2 boys.

The next day, it happened. The babies were born on Monday at 3:30pm. They were born at the Crymsville Hospital. The babies names were Raina, Alexa, Lily, Emily, Mara, Jane, Erik, and Johnny. The same day, the moon gave in to the force.
 The moon broke in a complete half line. Many people tried not say their goodbyes early. Sadly, the mother was trying not to look at the moon. But she could not make it. She looked at the new half moon and was dead in seconds. 
 Ever since then, every 2 years the full moon would have the line in it. The line would be there for 1 week. This is when it gets even more creepy. The souls of the people who were killed by the moon would began to roam the city in their own bodies. But when the moon becomes half again, the souls go back to their graves.
Then, 20 years later in the year 2000, Raina, Alexa, Lily, Emily, Mara, Erik, and Johnny realised what happened to their mom that died and wanted to know more about how and why she died. Soon they found out that the moon would have the line in it again 2 months from then. So they had to find out more before the moon was out in 2 months. They searched and searched. Finally they found info about the past of the moon
 Two months later, the day before the moon would have the line, the siblings prepared. They packed their clothes, personal belongings, etc. They were planning to run away till the moon was back to normal again. It was a perfect plan. But Alexa knew that she could not go. So she looked at the moon and died. That is when I woke up.

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