Lily’s Life Story part 2
by: Autumn Colmen
Hi again. Thank you so much for commenting and liking my part 1 for this story. Now part 2 has come. YAY! Now just sit back and relax and read the part 2 of this amazing story.
Lily got out of the car and watched as her mom drove away. “Today is going to be amazing.” said Lily “Without God standing in my way, I have the freedom to make my own path for life and do whatever I want.” She took one look at the three story high, brick school in front of her and thought ”Look at this place, I hope it looks better on the interior.”. Before heading inside, Lily read the sign on the front wall. “Jefferson High School” it said. After lunch, Lily went to take a walk around the school. Then she saw a girl sitting alone by the statue of King Galomakai (King of Washington D.C before presidents came into power). She walked over to the girl. “Hi, what’s your name?” Lily asked. “Why do you want to know?” the girl said harshly. “I’m just wondering.” Lily said “You just looked really lonely, so I thought I should talk to you.”. The girl stood up and walked away. Lily got up and followed her. The girl turned around and pushed Lily away forcefully. “Just leave me alone, okay.” the girl said. “You want to know two things about me, those things are I like to be alone and my name is Emi, didn’t your parents teach you to give people some personal space?” the girl retorted and walked away. When the girl was out of sight, Lily got on her knees and started to cry. “God, why did you just let that happen? Why?” The next day she wore her necklace that her mom gave her. When she walked into the school, a group of bullies came and surrounded her. “What’s this piece of junk on your neck?” one of the bullies said, lifting her necklace. “It’s not junk, it’s a necklace and it’s special.” Lily said, pulling away from them. One thing Lily didn’t know is she bumped into a bully behind her. As soon as she did that the bully behind her undid the clasp holding the necklace on her neck. “So you mean this is special to you and isn’t junk?” said the bully. As soon as she turned around, the bully ripped her necklace into 4 segments. Then they laughed and walked away. The bully who ripped her necklace dropped it on the ground. Lily picked it up and held it tightly in her hand. Then the day after that things just got worse. A bully scratched her eye, another girl ignored her friendship request, and she was alone once again.
Okay this is starting to get really sad. This is probably the most sad part in this entire story. But it will conclude into a happy ending, promise. So I will see you in part 3. Bye.
This is Lily |
This is the girl Lily wanted to be friends with |
This is Jefferson High School |
It's interesting that Lily wants to live life without God, yet when she encounters harsh realities at school, drops to her knees in prayer. Hmmm.....why is that?